


One: Synopsis: The Shanghai XX special steel development limited company is a medium domestic joint capital enterprise, the company had been established August, 2001, the total investment 15 million, is located the valuable mountainous area and Jiading area 交界處, the transportation convenient, the geographical environment is superior. The company mainly manages the high quality Japanese Datong special steel and Germany scatters the Si special steel products, took the Japanese Datong special steel the business agent, the company is holding "the prestige first, business Germany supreme, excellent in quality, the service is remarkable" the objective. The company passes ISO9001 in June, 2004: 2,000 international quality control system authentication. The company had been established until now, relies on own technical force and the rigorous internal management, regards the product quality and the enterprise prestige for the survival and the development lifeline, take scientific standard management system, high quality excellent product quality, honest code of honor management criterion, fine remarkable service objective as management idea. The product sells in distant markets toward domestic and foreign, company customer by this profession in well-known Chinese and foreign enterprise primarily, deeply user communities favour, thus causes this company the service and the scale can rapidly develop. In 2006, this company marched into a brand-new year, expanded the workshop area, increased numerical control deep Kong Zuan and the large-scale Dragon Gate processing center equipment, the introduction technology talented person processes the large-scale machinery, the big mold, large-scale mold 3D, the mold deep hole, the thimble and the electric heating 管孔. The company for guaranteed the product quality, reprimands the large amount of money to purchase the advanced cutting tool and the checker, provides the necessary product for the customer the start-to-finish service. Two: The machinery includes: 1. digital deep holes drill (1): The mechanical parameter may process Ф 3- Ф 35 apertures, 孔深 may amount to 1,500 millimeters, the engine bed carrying capacity 8 tons, the hole skewness 0.15-500 millimeters 2. surfaces grinding machine (1): Mechanical parameter travelling schedule: 1200*1800 millimeter, engine bed carrying capacity: 3 tons, precision: 0.02-1800 millimeter 3. Dragon Gate vertical processing center (2 travelling schedules respectively are: 2000*1200 and 4000*2600): Maximum travelling range: X axis 4,000 millimeters, Y axis 2,600 millimeters, Z axis 1,000 millimeters; Carrying capacity 15 ton 4. planer-type milling machine (1): Travelling schedule 1800*1200*600 carrying capacity: 5 tons 5. fine angle rules machine (1): Travelling schedule 1200*1600, the precision may reach 0.01 and guarantee 90 angle rules 6. planer-type milling machine: Travelling schedule 4000*1600*800, carrying capacity 12 tons 7. surfaces grinding machine: Travelling schedule 1200*600*300, processing precision 0.02-1200 millimeters 8. radials drill drilling machine: 3,050 swings drills may carry on Ф 1- Ф 55 apertures to process three: Quality testing department, three dimensions check-out facility TRIMOSV1000: May examine in the precision 0.002 millimeter, and each kind of check-out facility, may guarantee each product quality is stable four: Department of transportation: Prompt, quick, reasonable matches delivers five: Service hot line, suit hot line six: The prestige first, discusses Germany supremely, excellent in quality, the service is remarkable seven: ISO international quality authentication system authentication enterprise eight: Acts the Japanese Datong special steel nine: Saw bench: Travelling schedule 2000*1200 may carry on the big-ticket item work piece 鋸料 the processing company to have stands lies two types saw benches total 15, may provide the quick service for the customer




1.718模具鋼材,我國牌號3Cr2NiMo是在P20(3Cr2Mo)的基礎上發展起來的P20改進型鋼號,品質上有較大改進,使之填補P20模具鋼材的不足,滿足P20模具鋼材達不到要求的場合。目前在我國模具鋼材市場上出現的鋼號除上述中國標準鋼號外還有P20+Ni。瑞典的718,718H(ASSAB)、PX5PX4(日本大同特鋼),GS-711、GS-738、GS-312、GS-318(德國蒂森),奧地利的M238 ECOPLUS(百祿公司)、CS718(中國長城特鋼)、SWP20(上海五鋼公司)等,因此除了不能用于有耐腐蝕性要求的塑料模具零件外,目前是應用最廣泛的通用型塑料模具鋼材的典型鋼號。通常被稱作“高級”塑料模具鋼材,新研制的新鋼種往往以它作為對比的典型。




元素 C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo

含量 0.34 0.3 1.35 1.7 1.0 0.42





沈陽正大特種鋼鑄鍛制造廠: 坐落于鐵西新區西部翟家鎮,北鄰沈陽經濟技術開發區、南鄰渾河。?企業占地面積兩萬平方米,生產面積4000平方米?,F擁有職工300人,其中管理人員30人、生產工人140人、輔助工人20人,這些人員中有高級工程師、高級技師等近10人。技術生產骨干全部選用大型重點企業退休人員,技術力量雄厚。

東莞市騰鑫特殊模具鋼材有限公司: 經營各種品牌優質模具特種鋼:瑞典“一勝百”、日本“日立”大同、奧地利“百祿”?、德國“撒斯特”葛利茲、美國芬可樂、韓國模具鋼等。

東莞市福興金屬材料有限公司: 產品專業生產加工的公司,擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。東莞市福興金屬材料有限公司的誠信、實力和特種鋼產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。

蘇州冠中金屬制品有限公司: 坐落于蘇州新區金橋工業園,建立在發展日益成熟的金橋工業園,成為世界500強企業載體。公司是一家集模具鋼材銷售、有色金屬銷售、精、光板加工及熱處理服務于一體的綜合型實力資金雄厚的大公司。公司為了能更好服務于新老客戶群成立了四大事業部:(冠中特殊鋼事業部)(冠中鋁材鋼事業部)(冠中不銹鋼事業部)(冠中銅材事業部)。

上海南虎特種鋼有限公司: 專業生產銷售鎳基合金、高溫合金、耐蝕合金等特種合金鋼、不銹鋼??缮a材質:哈氏合金C276,哈氏合金B,904L,254SMo,S31254,?2205,2507,?S32760,Incoloy800,Incoloy825,Inconel600,Inconel601等特種鋼。





東莞市華翔金屬材料有限公司,一直以“質量第一”“誠信為本”“服務周全”“客戶至上”為宗旨,實力雄厚,知名度高?,F已陸續從各國引進各種優質模具鋼材,并簽下合作條約,一勝百模具鋼材現擁有多個主打優特鋼品牌,如“瑞典一勝百” 、“日本日立”、“日本大同” 、 “德國撒斯特” 、 “奧地利百祿” 、“美國芬可樂” 、“法國特殊鋼” 、 “日本三寶紅銅” 、“美國合金鋁” 、“富士鎢鋼” 、“肯納鎢鋼”等多種品牌鋼。其中鋼種包括:塑膠模具鋼、鏡面模具鋼、熱作壓鑄模具鋼、冷作工具鋼、油鋼、不銹鋼、結構鋼、碳素鋼、高碳鋼、中碳鋼、低碳鋼、冷拉鋼、機械用鋼、橋梁用鋼、拉力鋼、粉末鋼、高速鋼、鍋爐鋼、鎢鋼、硬質合金鋼、鉻鋼、鉻鉬合金鋼、冷軋板、熱軋板、雙光板、紅銅、黃銅、青銅、磷銅、磷青銅、鈹銅、鎢銅、杯士銅、錫青銅、錫鎢銅、錫鋅銅、洋白銅、鉻鋯銅、鋯青銅、鉻銅、鋁青銅、日鋁、美鋁、韓鋁、鈦合金、鎳合金、因瓦合金、鎳鈷合金、鉻鎳合金、鈹鎳合金等多個品種。






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